November is the beginning of something NEW! Cardinal Bluff’s Book of the Month. Longtime favorite author, Joy Ross Davis’s latest release – Peaches and Lace will be the VERY FIRST book of the month!

The vision for Book of the Month has potential to grow terms of offers and benefits to subscribers. For the present readers, the book will be a one which has been reviewed on Cardinal Bluff and which is part of a random choice from qualifying books and authors.
Authors spend so much of their life and soul writing a story for readers. Sometimes they have a message for the reader. Specific information, particularly non-fiction, drives some of them. Others want to give readers a pleasure read that inspires and encourages them. Some want to scare and shock! Whatever the motivation, authors are working hard at creating the story. That story may not be your favorite genre or mine, but we must acknowledge their efforts when we can. Book of the Month is one little way that I am working to acknowledge some of my favorite authors.
Writing into a vacuum is not the everyday dream of an author! Authors need readers! In the reviews at Cardinal Bluff, readers get another point of view regarding a book, plus some extra information about the author, including other books.
There is a steady supply of good books that could qualify for the Book of the Month. There are a few strings attached to that choice. I will only be able to feature books by authors with whom I have a steady relationship. Many authors send copies to me for reading and potential reviews. Others receive some website and marketing services from me.
If your book fits the standards of Cardinal Bluff reviews (flinch free) and you are interested in having it reviewed, please contact me at

Cardinal Bluff standards? Flinch-free. Hot buttons are Offensive Profanity, Vulgarity — language and behavior, Erotica, Violence. Warm Buttons include poor editing and proofreading.

Are you ready for some great reading?