November is coming in with a chill! The first two weeks of November have been personally distracting! Lots of good things, but not a lot of journaling.

The garden at The Legacy Gardens has been shut down for the winter in terms of outdoor action. Many baby plants are swaddled in protective leaves. Other mature plantings are out in the weather because the colder temperatures are part of the wonder that makes them come back every year.
I’ve brought many plants inside to a sunny basement window. Cuttings for other tender plants are snuggled in the window along with two decorative sweet potato tubers, waiting for Spring! I write more about closing the outdoor garden, wintering plants and watching the worms at The Legacy Gardens. So, I will spare you the chit-chat over here (mostly)

But, enough of the excuses! New things are coming to Cardinal Bluff in November. We will have the FIRST Book of the Month. Becoming Book of the Month isn’t an easy or automatic thing. Selection choices are MINE! I choose from authors whom I’ve read for a long time and who have some connection or correspondence with me.
That is a HINT: Want to be on Book of the Month? Contact me at to learn more.

Are you ready for the Holidays? Thanksgiving is becoming a stealth, shadowy holiday. We’ve used it over the years to be a quiet day that might not include a large ‘tribal’ get-together. Or, again, it might! We are not afraid to have the holiday on the weekend rather than THURSDAY. We’ve encouraged our kids to make that holiday special for their families and resolved to support and appreciate their choices. Since we do not live close, it is often the two of us and the pets. We enjoy a quiet day, especially the Dog Show!
Away from books, this is NOVEMBER for crying out loud! I’m trying to keep reading and reviewing, maintaining an attitude of THANKSGIVING!
Have yourself an early little Christmas
Meanwhile, the rest of the world is skipping ahead to CHRISTMAS! And pushing a lot of junk for us to buy one another to show our love! My gift list is on my mind all year long. With a range of people, none of whom live close, choosing for them can be extremely difficult.
- What do they have?
- What do they want?
- What do they need?
- What is the current size?
- What is the current color preference?
I’m blessed with my gift list because while each is different, each is also extremely easy to please as they LOVE gift cards. Some families get a simple card at a store where they regularly shop. They may find the fabulous gift I want them to have in that store. Or, they may ‘trade money’, using the card to buy necessities while freeing up some funds for a special item available elsewhere. Straight up cash is a perpetual favorite for all!
I sometimes choose books for them. Other times, I recommend books or authors. Even a book can be a risky choice. One year, I received a book that was in extremely poor taste! A popular book, but not a good choice. I thought “I’ll fix you!” And next year, I chose a poor taste book for that person! When the head scratching occurred as to why would I do that to him, I learned he hadn’t chosen the first book. He wasn’t familiar with it at all. And the chooser only thought it was historical fiction. She was also a reader who would gladly overlook poor taste to get a little history of The Old West!
November 22, 2019
A couple of rainy autumn days. For those out deer hunting, the leaves won’t be so crunchy. In the Ozarks, hunters use ‘stands’ — at the most basic a chair hanging in a tree with a ladder access. On a day like today, seems like a chilly proposition! My idea of a tree stand would be a complete efficiency condo hanging in a tree! More of a reader here than a hunter, in case you didn’t guess!
Rainy winter days make me want to curl up under a throw and read! I love my Kindle Fire — some afternoons, the dog and I like to nap together on my bed. With the Kindle lighted screen, we don’t have to turn bright lights on. I can read or nap with my best friend, Sandy.
There are some very interesting Facebook groups coming forward that will be giving Cardinal Bluff more exposure as well as revealing more books to read.
Winter reading is very promising! At the moment, I’m reading a series of TWO about Hildegard — Germany’s first female physician, P.K. Adams, author. Excellent story telling of a time long ago.
November 25, 2019
Monday and a sunny, mild day! A bit of time outside with the dog at mid-morning, let me get my fix of dirt beneath my nails. Garden things are quiet for this earth resting season, but a good time to move a couple things.
I’m trying to get some Dame’s Rocket going in the western tree line. I had put out a lot of seed, but not getting much action. I moved a plant earlier and it seems to be thriving. So, today, I added another small cluster of plants. They will have plenty of moisture for the winter, being along a water way.

In final digging, I added some ditch lilies to a bank that I’ve been sowing wild flowers in for a couple years. So far, I’m not seeing much but daisies and black eyed susans from my efforts. It is too steep for mowing, but once or twice a year, the highway department runs their big bush hog there. They won’t hurt the wildflowers.
November 28, 2019
Thanksgiving and Black Friday are rainy in the Ozarks. Chilly and grey. After a mid-week holiday, the day seems like Saturday! But, it is Grey Friday, cloudy and dark.

Prue – Book 2 in the Marsh Saga has been posted as a New Release, coming in January, 2020. The cover image is a pre-order link.
I’ve been reading the other books in the series and will have their reviews up shortly.