The gentle, faith-based changes in Shop on the Corner remind me of the Scripture, Jeremiah 29:11 — “the plans I have for you…”
We meet Laura O’Dell, the first in a troupe of engaging characters, on page one. Her life, personal and business, heads for a change and a crash. Neither action is part of her personal “KNOWN.”
What About the “KNOWN”?
Laura’s ‘KNOWN’ was a comfortable rut in small town Mississippi. She did know about the chaos and looming change, but was resisting the decisions she had to make. She has 30 days left before facing an extremely different future. Encouraged to see possibilities of change beyond her imagination, Laura has to choose. Will she let change happen outside her control? Will she embrace the changes and drive her choices?
Because God’s way was ready to open. Laura chose a new direction on faith. The rewards were new friends, family, stability and the love of her life.
New Directions!
Jeremiah 29:11 is not the stated central verse for Shop on the Corner. Yet, surely the idea fits. Laura’s plan to contiue on a familiar path were seriously derailed. She had to make these choices. The first path wasn’t very different from the familiar. It seemed safe, but was too much the same. There were risks from people who would try to get her value and her business from her. Trusted friends counseled her to explore greater choices. After prayer and meditation, she did! Her obedience opened more wonderful doors than she dreamed.
There are rich ‘contrast’ characters in this book. Characters who make misery for Laura and friends for a short time. They are ‘soft bad guys’ who enhance Laura’s growing maturity. Maturity and inner peace make Shop on the Corner a good fit with the other books in the Mountain Home series.
Author, Lin Stepp and her husband, JL, travel to the story locations for accurate settings. They had grand cooperation with the Waynesville, North Carolina community. Avid hikers, they have written non-fiction books of Tennessee parks and trails. Readers can learn about the regional rivers and mountains. Recently, a devotional journal joined their publications. A monthly newsletter on keeps readers and fans updated.
Lin Stepp’s faith-based books appeal to various age groups. I often remind readers these mystery/romance stories are NOT chick-lit! The appeal for women, men, young or old is one of the best points for her writing. I have followed the fiction and non-fiction writing from the Stepp house for years. I received a copy of this book from my friend, the author. I was not required to review the book. But, to leave it hidden from other readers would be a grave wrong to literature.