Do you know any madwomen? There’s an interesting one in Preacher’s Cove, according to Joy Ross Davis‘ upcoming novel The Madwoman of Preacher’s Cove.
September 1, 2020 is the release date for the story of Lucy Addams, a young woman horribly disfigured in a fire. The tragedy claimed the lives of her husband and children.

Lucy lost her family, her beauty and her voice. Artistic genius arose to the surface of Lucy’s life. She began sculping lifelike dolls — replicas of children living in Preacher’s Cove.
Ancient secrets and Mysterious Deaths
Lucy’s dolls seem to be ‘other worldly harbingers’ connected to mysterious deaths by lightning strike in Preacher’s Cove. Lucy, her sister Libby and an investigative reporter are all connected as keepers of an ancient secret. They know why the deaths have occurred and how to stop them. Can they do solve it all in time?
Joy Ross Davis, award winning paranormal author, has brought a fine set of twists and turns for readers. If you are one of Joy’s readers, you know you will be enjoying this new book. If you are a new reader, this author has a real treat for you.
You can pre-order the book at this link: Madwoman of Preacher’s Cove
Award winning author
Joy Ross Davis lives and writes in Alabama. She has roots in Ireland and frequently features Ireland in her paranormal historical fiction such as The Witch of Black Lion. Her novels have won several awards each.

She writes lively, high-action paranormal novels with contemporary stories as well as historical tales. Contemporary titles include Peaches and Lace. Her Amazon Page features her novels.
I’m looking forward for this new novel.