A sweet and inspiring romantic story with just the right amount of suspense and risk to make it a gentle thriller. The end (which you see coming) reminds us not to judge faithful old friends and not to culture immature heartbreak.
Quietly Christian without particular doctrine. Appropriate humor. Most characters are believable. The situation where the homeless woman and her daughter are taken into the family without question is nice. Her recovery was pretty fast, but I don’t have experience to judge such a situation.
There are children who receive inspiration and encouragement. Family means so much throughout this story along with long friendships. There are professions among the characters that contribute to culture and heroism — ballet dancer, public servant, military service as Army Ranger.
When you need a pleasure read, this author, Crystal Walton has a lot to offer.
All in all, a pleasant read without profanity and erotica that I’m glad I read.